Though there is still no agreed upon understanding about these phenomena, the challenge for those who dare to change the world is to construct a collective and objective analysis about the role of digital data and technology companies in contemporary capitalism. The effort to understand these concerns can be seen in the proliferation of related terms and concepts: digital economy, digital capitalism, platform capitalism, techno-feudalism, data capitalism, and surveillance capitalism, among others. Coupled with this is the fact that the largest corporations today are information technology firms, which makes the question of new digital technologies essential to understanding the dynamics of contemporary capitalism. Not only is there unequal access to technology there is also a permanent concern over the use of data for the purposes of repression, control, consumerism, and surveillance. The question of ‘new digital technologies’ presents itself as a challenge, one whose importance is growing in debates within popular movements.

‘The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned’ Designed by the Art Department of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research based on photographs by Ingrid Neves