And such descriptions reduce it to the lowest level – a propaganda film composed of a dedicated, in my opinion – sick – political idea.

This content is problematic – it is not present in this movie at all. How did I read that your film says that “there could not be an active participation of the Poles in the extermination of the Jews” – what do you think? This film was never intended to serve political controversies or new theses of historical politics. I felt like a movie that was meant to show that one cannot be indifferent. Later, of course, I read what appeared on the website of the Polish National Foundation and it horrified me. I did not hear it, although I often listen to you while you are driving, but here I was told by other people who have heard this program. Ryszard Brylski, Director of “Zmiercia Zygielbojm”: I learned about it from TOK FM Radio. Ryszard, how did you hear that the Polish National Foundation published a description of your film like this? The description that historians say frankly is nonsense

When he realized that he was unable to persuade others to act, he committed suicide. The film tells the story of Small Zigelbogum, who traveled to London during the war to tell us about the enormity of the crimes committed by the Germans against the Jews.